Here is some old stuff you might enjoy reading:

- Math food play

It’s a fun project exploring food from a mathematical standpoint and some other things too.

- Multipivot quicksort notebook

A notebook exploring the idea of multi-pivot quicksort and doing some complexity analysis.

- Holi simulation : balls and bins

A notebook explaining the idea of ball n bins in probability using an example of a waterballoon fight game.

- Linear Congruential Generator(Story)

A story-like passage that starts by exploring the idea of randomness and then an explanation of the Linear Congruential Generator.

- Social Networks

A comprehensive illustrative digital handwritten notes for this social networks course. [Code - Social computing Models]

- Linear algebra(story)

Slides from an LA talk that explored the basic ideas in linear algebra and their applications in machine learning(SVD, PCA etc.) in the form of a story.

- Notes

All the notes I have made till now.

- Resourses

Complied resources on Sex-ed, open-source, brain and behavior, GNNs, etc.

- A chat on clocks with chat-gpt

Just a fun time-pass chat with chat-gpt on clocks and how we can define time in some other ways.

- Github Bipartite graph dataset of developers and repos

- Some ShaderToy renders